Critical Thinking

How are blogs related to critical thinking?

The first and simplest answer is through questioning. You can use your blog as a way to provide a variety of questions at different levels for your students. Their comments and other work can be used for classroom collaboration, modeling, accessing new teaching points, generating interest, and powerful examples at conferences!

Maybe another answer is best explained by Kathy Schrock. She has Blogger listed as a resource under the heading "Evaluating" but it is easy to see that it could fit in other places as well. There are so many ways to produce and share the wide variety of incredible student work we all see in our classrooms everyday, almost any student work (and therefore student thinking) can be placed on a blog.

There is plenty of work (for example and also here) illustrating the likely relationships between technology integration and Bloom's Taxonomy.

If you'd like more information regarding critical thinking, start here, at

We strive to push our students as thinkers on a daily basis. The blog helps us model our expectations while simultaneously providing scaffolding for all students.

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