Blogging Options

Here is a partial list of tools to help you create blogs. We use Blogger, which works perfectly with our Google Apps, but there are plenty of great choices.

Tumblr: Mr. Will Richardson's new favorite...

Edublogs: The world's most popular educational blogging service - an example

Posterous: Super-simple publishing tool - an example

Edmodo: A complete solution which includes micro-blogging within a secure environment - screen shot examples

Kidblog: Safe and simple blogs for you and your students - an example

Word Press: A better way to blog - an example

Typepad: Great blogs start here - examples

Cover it Live: Live Blogging - Add CiL posts to your existing blog or website - example

No matter which platform(s) you choose, there is tons of help out there for you when you need it. You can always search for help. Try YouTube for video tutorial searches!

In a second presentation, we will be talking about Google Apps, which we use in our classrooms as well. Most everything we will be sharing and discussing can also be applied to any website, wiki, blog, etc. you choose to create.

For us, the classroom blog is a sort of launch pad which leads to other pieces of our digital footprint such as other blogs, wikis, workspaces, and Google Apps for Education. It is also a great big digital bulletin board for recognizing and sharing the work of the students.

1 comment:

Mark S said...

School Fusion is a good tool for blogging also. It is geared for schools and their free option is very nice.