Sunday, May 29, 2011

Accessible to many learners...

We often give classwork, directions, and resources using our blog. Posting directions for activities is always helpful and fosters students' independence, because students can go back as often as is necessary to complete assignments without needing to be re-directed by the instructor. One of our favorite assignments to post on the blog is directions for Discovery Education Science activities.

If you would like to see how this type of assignment looks on our classroom blog, take a peek! When you do, you will notice some other things we do to help students; we have a qwiki (an attempt increase comprehensible input) in there, as well as the "Listen Now" widget, which is another way to make our blog more accessible. You will also notice some of the other widgets - one for translation, and another for AnswerTips. Each of these features is designed to make the blog more accessible, interesting and appealing to our students and visitors.

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