Friday, May 27, 2011


There are many ways to get videos onto your blog or website. Videos can do all sorts of amazing things for your students. They can provide relevant, comprehensible content for all learners. They can be used to differentiate content for sub-groups of learners. And they can be great ways to show off some impressive student work! Some tools go above and beyond with video, and some keep it all nice and simple. Here are a few of our favorite new tools:

If you would like to embed some excellent science videos, try out the Science on the Simpsons website. Need something a bit more advanced? How about free MIT courses? The point is that you can find great videos for your use, no matter what your content or level is.

Have you ever thought of recording your lessons as videos and making them available for students? Do you know about ustream? If a kid can teach us all about writing with it, we can figure it out for our own classrooms! We have just started with this, so we have no videos yet, but here is where we are all set up to begin next year!

We have also experimented with voice thread. Here is a VT Resource to help.

We also like to add a direct link - the bigger screen size is nice.

There are plenty of other video players and creation tools out there... Here are a few more for your perusal:

Vimeo - embed your videos. Here's an example.

Qwiki - an information experience. We use it like a search engine.

School Tube - usually not filtered by schools. Also like a search engine...

Teacher Tube - embed your videos, teacher community of users.

Another great thing about video is the opportunity for creating screen casts, recording lessons and creating tutorials. We use a few tools for this:

Jing - Record your computer screen and embed the screen-cast on your blog. This is great for making tutorials or sub plans!

Skitch - Similar to Jing; we use this program on Macbooks. 

Camtasia - Another choice for your use. 

SMART Notebook lesson recorder - Our classrooms have SMARTBoards; other interactive whiteboards may have a similar feature ...And there are more and more coming out every day! Again, pick one that works for you, and start experimenting with it! Your students will love to create content for you with these types of tools.

PhotoPeachStupeflix, and Masher are all tools which can be used to make slideshow videos with your images.  


Anonymous said...

We are enjoying the show!

Anonymous said...

hi there!

Niki said...

Thank you for being here today.

Anonymous said...

Liked the post and it will help my kids.

Anonymous said...

great presentation today

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chris and Nikki!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. I'm looking forward to trying some new things this year.

twarner said...

Welcome to Lenski. Thanks for coming.

Anonymous said...

Hi glad to have you here today!

Anonymous said...

Super job!!!

Mr. Easley said...

Great work!

Mr. Easley said...

Great work!