Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mind Maps and Timelines

As we started to see what was possible once we learned to embed, we became very interested in making our blogs and websites look cool to us and our students. We were like kids in a candy store, playing with everything. We acted like our students do anytime they are given to many choices! We played and messed around until we had enough.

Once we got serious, we found that some of our favorite blog "dress up" tools had a lot to do with mind mapping, timelines, and other representations of higher-level understanding and thinking. Our goal for the coming year is to get more of these types of tools into the hands of students.

Here are some new tools you may not have heard of for creating and sharing mind maps, concept maps, and timelines.

Just a thought - some of the best mind maps are hand drawn and colored. Take a picture of your students' work and put that up on your blog. Throw it in a voicethread and let your learners comment directly on the mind map. Tons of fun, and a great learning and collaborating experience.

Mind Maps
Spiderscribe - One of the best tools listed here.. Example - You can embed, share and collaboratively create mind maps. Almost no learning curve for our students the first time we used this. Here's what we found on YouTube re:

Creaza - A full suite of cool tools, but for mind-mapping, the tool is called Mindomo.

Cacoo - Primarily used as a collaborative drawing tool, but could easily make concept maps as well.
Here's a video explaining Cacoo, shown through another video tool called Vimeo.

Mindmeister - Here's an example. You can publish your min map in several different formats, including PDF.

Spicynodes - A very cool mind-mapping tool.  Here's the example. It's not exactly a mind map example, but it was just to cool not to share this!

Dipity - Gotta love this... A Google Site with multiple Dipity examples.


Capzles - create a qwiki-type experience



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