
Collaboration is definitely one of the buzz words for learning today! Working collaboratively is a huge challenge as well as a required skill for most of the work we think our students will be doing as adults. There are many opinions about working collaboratively, and about learning socially.  Some are working to assess collaboration.

What we want our students to know is that they have the ability to reach out and connect. That connection can serve many purposes. They can be teachers and learners at the same time. This can happen in a classroom; think of the structures and protocols you have probably been using in your classroom for years - numbered heads together, turn and talk, think pair share - you get the idea.

Now with technology, we can move these processes outside of the classroom into the real world. Here are a few of our favorite examples:

1. Dr. Warschauer emailed our students, came to visit from California, and is now working on articles and a book featuring the thinking and writing of our students.

2. Heritage High School has done some amazing work in Africa, and now they have turned their focus to India. Read all about it here. Participate here...

3. Highland Elementary School has worked quite a bit with world traveler Dean Jacobs. Most recently, 3rd graders were Skyping with Dean while he was living with the last wild gorillas.

4. The largest global learning network is ePals, but you can also check out Skype in the classroom. There are many more options available to you and your students - but remember - quality relationships are more important than quantity!

5. #Comments4Kids is an excellent idea which allows student and classroom bloggers to connect and comment. If you want to build an audience, this is a great place to start!